Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunset in Wernstein

The sun is setting behind the Castle Neuburg, as it draws its majestic gaze down upon the river Inn and the village of Wernstein. It's the last couple of December days and I'm taking some time off to hang out in cool places and relax. I'm laying my 2008 to rest and looking forward to a happy, successful - and most of all healthy 2009. Happy New Year everyone!


Saturday, December 20, 2008

The mighty Liger, a league of his own!

The biggest cat in the world is neither a Tiger nor a Lion, as you probably might have guessed, but a socalled Liger. Half Lion and half Tiger this enormous supercat is the result of breeding a female Tiger with a male Lion. Unlike other hybrids like mules for example, Ligers can reproduce. According to the studies of Dr. Bhagavan Antle they have the social character of their Lion Daddies and the sensitivity and gentleness of their Tiger Moms, which,- if wasn't for their gigantic size, would make them even a perfect pet. Ligers grow up to an incredible  size of their parents combined, weighing around 500 Kg! So far, Ligers are only bred and held in captivity. It's assumed that their huge body mass and size would inhibit their agility and therefor also their hunting capabilities in the wild. After all, a fully grown Liger needs double the daily ration of meat a tiger or a lion would.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Flying through the air again

And I'm fortunate enough to take another look from above crossing the English channel, heading for London Heathrow. Before landing I got a good look at the European Metropolis. A truely magnificent view!


Monday, December 8, 2008

She's a true Master of Photography

Gerti Buttinger (73) from Eberschwang, is one of Austria's most decorated photo artists. After graduating from the academy of photography and arts in Linz (Austria), she went abroad and lived in Windsor (Canada) for many years. In Canada she worked as a photo-negative retouching specialist for numerous international photo angencies.
Today Mrs. Buttinger holds several international awards from famous salons, such as the Trierenberg Super Circuit. Her speciality are portraits in colour as well as B&W and slides, but she also is well known for her landscape photography.
Beside photography the mom of 3 children is also a gifted writer. In her first german lyrics publication titled "Berührungen" she poetically captures some of life's most touching moments, illustrated with some of her photographic masterpieces.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Always looking ahead, means having seen a lot...

Nicht jeder Wein bringt Qualität
Wenn er im Keller länger steht
Beim Menschen ist das demnach gleich
Nicht jeder wird im Leben reich

Vor allem nicht durch Macht und Geld
Wer sagt dass das im Leben zählt
Der Weise schaut da viel genauer
Denn Macht und Geld sind nicht von Dauer

So ist im Leben, das wär’ vermessen
Der Reichttum nicht in Geld zu messen
Und jeder Mensch sieht irgendwann
Auf innere Werte kommt es an

Je früher einer das erkennt
Umso mehr Zeit bleibt ihm gegönnt
Zum Streben nach dem wahren Glück
Und blickt nach vorne statt zurück

Zum Glücklichsein ist’s nie zu spät
Selbst dann nicht, wenn die Zeit ausgeht
Denn alles andere ist vergänglich
Doch wahres Glück hält lebenslänglich

Und wirklich reich ist der im Leben
Der glücklich ist und Glück kann geben
So wünsch ich Dir wie grad beschrieben
Bleib’ g’sund und glücklich und zufrieden

Lyrics by JAB in August 2008


Friday, November 21, 2008

Google to build giant Datacenter in Upper Austria

Fascinating! Google's going to built a huge datacenter in Europe. And guess what!? There've picked the best location they could possible get. Right here in Upper Austria near the town of Kronsdorf (near Linz). They've already purchase a 75 ha large piece of solid austrian estate, for it shall once host the bits & bytes of our precious information. May they never run out of storage space!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Time to prepare for the winter!

It's a fact. Winter is coming,- I feel it. Some creatures already filled up their food storage and are ready to go to sleep. Sometimes I also feel like hibernating, especially in the morning...


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Taking a look from above...

Flying across the austrian alps. A magnificant view. I've always had a favour for airtravel. It's an interresting experience to observe, how some big matters become insignificant from a distance. That opens a whole new perspective on things that really matter.


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